Outcomes From Practice

Engendering Economic Regulations

Over the years, CGE, Africa has supported local development processes, plans, policies, and gender-responsive budgets in incorporating women’s economic interests. Increased knowledge base on women’s engagement in trade. Increased number of girls and women empowered on gender-responsive budgeting. Increased number of public and private sector personnel trained in gender-responsive budgeting.

Increasing Girls’ Educational Access and Facilitating Women’s Engagement in Economic Opportunities

Through its initiatives, CGE Africa has effectively, alongside other stakeholders, tackled significant obstacles that impede girls’ education and restrict women’s engagement in the economic domain. By delivering education, skills, and comprehensive support, we have fostered enduring and affirmative transformations in the outcomes of both education and the economic sectors for girls and women.

Improving Women’s Control Over Land and Productive Resources (LPR)

Strengthened capacity of women, women groups, and unions we work with to demand their rights to economic activities, resource ownership, and gender-responsive market facilities. Enhanced knowledge of Land ownership in communities. Strengthened structures of women-owned businesses. Enhanced economic alternatives and livelihood of women.

Enhancing Women’s Economic Well-Being and Safety

Over the years, CGE Africa has assisted in improving women’s livelihoods across all ages. Supported interventions that enhance the quality, availability, and accessibility of gender-based violence (GBV) response services for older women by piloting a social enterprise component that generates provision for community-based referral and response to GBV against older women.